Saturday, March 27, 2010

Understandable? Probably not... {sleep deprived writings}

The world has come to a stand still,
many a faces glancing at one another.
Wishing, fighting, struggling...
Just wanting to learn something from the other.
Each set of eyes tells a different story,
Each man, woman and child - a different glory.
One a Jew, and one a Christian...
One a Hindu, and one a Buddha...
Each different than the other, but alike -
Almost as if an unrelated brother.
To you, these words are empty and meaningless.
They make no sense at all.
But I am sure if you think it out,
these words will make a great deal of sense to you.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Everything you know about me is a lie,
I sit alone by myself at night and I cry.
Can't shake this empty feeling deep inside,
Never can escape this depression - I reside.

Inside this chest of mine,
A cold heart beats -
Frozen blood in veins,
Will you be my anti-freeze?

Warm the blood within',
Get this heart pumping again.
I need you to save me,
I need you to love me.

I cannot do this on my own,
Cannot do this all alone.
I need you by my side,
Need you to keep me alive.

Just show me that somebody cares,
I cannot stand to cry another thousand tears.
It's eating me up inside, I beg and I beg to die,
Yet, God keeps me alive - for reasons; I don't know why.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A little piece of writing...

I hide behind all these little white lies,
Trying to keep myself from pain.
But even with my guard up and the walls so high,
Pain seems to always find a way to get me from behind.

Why? Oh why? Do I even try?
There is no way to avoid this.
Death and Decay, Being Scared Is Pointless.
You can't control it, life just happens.

Don't cry on my shoulder,
I've got my own problems.
I don't care about your drama,
And no I won't change, I'm not Obama.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Random Nonsense That Does Nothing... :D

How come I feel like everybody that know me,
Don't really even fuckin' know me -
How come I feel like everybody that say they love me,
Lookin' down thinkin' they above me -

All these motherfuckers can go jump off a bridge,
Get bent, fuck off, and suck a motherfuckers dick bitch.
I really don't even care anymore,
Do what you do, 'cause I don't even care anymore.

I'm intelligent, but that's irrelevant -
'Cause nobody gives a fuck how smart you are no more.
They just sit back and watch that -
Thinkin' about how fast you can grab that cash.

Now, how come -
I'm the one that's trippin', sayin' shit that isn't true.
I'm the one that's fucked this up, and none of this is because of you.

But, you know -
I'm the one that's done all I can to be a man in spite of you.
I'm the one that's done all I can to strive for a better life, bigger house, better view.

[And] How come I feel like everybody that know me,
Don't really even fuckin' know me -
How come I feel like everybody that say they love me,
Lookin' down thinkin' they above me -

I did everything to try and get you to see me for who I am,
I went out of my way to get that paper, ma'am.
Could have just sat back and done shit -
Just said "Fuck it", it would have been easy.
Bitch - Believe me.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Time off...

I haven't written any poetry in a while and probably won't be trying to do so for some time. So, this blog is dead until I feel like writing again.

Monday, November 9, 2009

How come a broken heart is never shared?

The pain fills me up and I swell to the bursting point,
Eyes leak fluids to show I’m sad yet I feel nothing -
I hold on tight to life but I feel like letting go,
I just don’t know what I’m to do anymore.

A broken heart causes one to not care -
How come a broken heart is never shared?
A broken heart causes one to not care -
How come a broken heart is never shared?

She stands there as she looks me up and down,
She stands there like she just doesn’t care.
Can I say I blame her? I really wasn’t what I should have been.
Can I say I hate her? She gave me a life made of pretend.

A broken heart causes one to not care -
How come a broken heart is never shared?
A broken heart causes one to not care -
How come a broken heart is never shared?

The bottle rests upon the counter top,
Empty as the pills begin to digest -
I can feel it all taking effect,
I’m wobbling trying to stand erect.

Waving from side to side,
Barely able to hide the death creeping into my eyes -
You could have saved me,
But you didn’t want to be the hero here.

You could have taken the pain away,
But you didn’t want to be there hero here -
I’m sorry for all that I have done to hurt you,
I’m sorry for all I couldn’t do.

Please forgive me and,
Say a prayer or two.How

Raised Fists and Bruises All Over...

You cry as you lay in the fetal,
I cry as you lay in the fetal -
Raised fists and bruises all over,
I’m sorry for this.

I cannot control my emotions,
And rage gets out of control -
Raised fists and bruises all over,
I’m so sorry for this.

I never wanted to be your Chris Brown,
Never wanted you to be my Rhianna -
But what can I do now?
What the hell am I to do?


About Me

I am not a follower. I am not a leader. I am me and that is all.