Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Untitled Piece IV

My days feel less than perfect recently,
Ever since that day, the day you went away.
I’ve been trying hard to figure it out,
Just what went wrong? What did I do to push you away?
There had to be something I could have done,
There had to be a way I could have made you stay.

You see I miss the way you smell,
And I miss the way you’d say my name.
You see I miss your big brown eyes,
And the way I’d stare, yet you’d pretend you weren’t aware.

I still have everything the way it was, the day you left,
Time stands still without you here, at least in my heart it does.
And I swear, since that day, I haven’t shed a tear -
No matter how hard I’ve try, this wells run dry.

Please, just give me a sign. Let me know you’re fine.
If you don’t want to speak to me, I’ll stop tryin’.
But you’ve got to let me know - ‘Cause I can’t read your mind.
Please, just give me a sign. Let me know how I can rewind time.
I wanna go back to when everything was fine -
Before the thought of you leavin’ ever crossed your mind.

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About Me

I am not a follower. I am not a leader. I am me and that is all.