Thursday, May 7, 2009

Untitled 2

The days seem so long,
When all you do is wrong.
Nothing I ever say can,
Wash away the pasts decay.

Hatred a plenty,
Yet still I feel so empty.
Love is something I long for,
But never will I find it upon this shore.

Her eyes are drawing me closer,
Yet her body is pushing me away.
Her arms are pulling me over,
Yet her words are ending it today.

Why can't she feel like I do?
What can I say to change her mind?
Is it just me or is the sky a darker shade of blue?
Is it just me or do I just long for time?

Her face still haunts my every dream,
She was my never ending sun-beam.
She was my, my, my everything,
But now she, she, she means nothing -
To me.

Oh, how I wish that were true,
How I wish that there was more I could do.
Oh, how I wish I could bring her back to me,
How I wish that I could be the one to set her free.

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About Me

I am not a follower. I am not a leader. I am me and that is all.