Thursday, November 5, 2009

Dancing on the Borderline

You’re dancing on the borderline,
Swaying between sane and insane.
You don’t even know what you’re sayin’,
The words are just flowing – free flowing.

In the darkness your eyes are glowing,
Depression gripping tighter and this frown is growing.
Will you pay attention or continue on not knowing?
Never knowing what you could have had.

Had you just stood up and taken your chance,
Instead of just living your life in safety.
Burning this office picture into iris daily.
Your life is so monotone, you can’t escape it.

The will to live on you can’t fake it,
Death is dancing behind you – you can’t shake him.
He’s getting closer and closer,
your time is drawing to a close now.

Before you even know it, the sky goes black –
Family standing around the casket crying.
You lived your life the same way every day,
Never stepping outside the box you’d been enclosed in.

You lived your life in your casket,
now you’ll live your afterlife with it.

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About Me

I am not a follower. I am not a leader. I am me and that is all.