Monday, May 4, 2009

F**k the Media

Why has the world become so hollow?
Everyone seems so shallow
Caring more about looks than personality
I hate the images being forced upon society
Fuck this falsified reality

Fuck the world that you’ve created
I don’t need your social acceptance
I’ll go on living hated and jaded

So much has changed, morals have been tossed away
The meaning of true Beauty has faded
And I’ve lost my faith today. No more faith in humanity.
The world is full of fake people, (Robots!)
Told what to believe, Given a meaning of Beauty

Fuck the world that you’ve created
I don’t need your social acceptance
I’ll go on living hated and jaded

How far the world has come,
Just to fall apart, It was doomed from the start
And this is how it’ll always be,
As long as the media rules the world

Fuck the world that you’ve created
I don’t need your social acceptance
I’ll go on living hated and jaded

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I am not a follower. I am not a leader. I am me and that is all.