Friday, May 29, 2009

She Embodies Perfection To Me (I don’t care what they say)

With all of her visible flaws,
She embodies perfection to me -
I don’t care what they say,
I’ll work hard every day,
For a simple smile to come my way -
It lifts me up to see her happy.

And the rain falls down,
When she’s not around.
I don’t know what I’m to do.
My mind is foggy and I can’t think straight,
I don’t know what to do without you now.

Please, stay by my side -
I promise never to hide (away).
Please, just stick with me,
Together we’ll always be free.

You look at me and me at you,
Do you feel the same way I do?
Are you looking at me trying to find a way,
A way to break my heart ever so easily.
Or do you truly feel the way I do?

With all of her visible flaws,
She embodies perfection to me -
And I don’t care what they say,
I’ll work my fingers to the bone,
Just to hear her voice on the other end of that telephone.
I’ll do whatever it takes,
Just to make her see,
She’s the only one for me.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Aww!! This one is cute!

    This part is really cute,
    "I’ll work my fingers to the bone,
    Just to hear her voice on the other end of that telephone.
    I’ll do whatever it takes,
    Just to make her see,
    She’s the only one for me."



About Me

I am not a follower. I am not a leader. I am me and that is all.